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location: PCMinput

PCM Solver input. To be appended. Important note: as of now, PCM only supports single point calculations. Gradients are not yet implemented. Dynamic solvation term of TD-DFT (the term that depends on the refractive index) is also not yet supported.

Supported Solvent

Water , H2O;
Propylene Carbonate , C4H6O3;
Dimethylsulfoxide , DMSO;
Nitromethane , CH3NO2;
Acetonitrile , CH3CN;
Methanol , CH3OH;
Ethanol , CH3CH2OH;
Acetone , C2H6CO;
1,2-Dichloroethane , C2H4CL2;
Methylenechloride , CH2CL2;
Tetrahydrofurane , THF;
Aniline , C6H5NH2;
Chlorobenzene , C6H5CL;
Chloroform , CHCL3;
Toluene , C6H5CH3;
1,4-Dioxane , C4H8O2;
Benzene , C6H6;
Carbon Tetrachloride , CCL4;
Cyclohexane , C6H12;
N-heptane , C7H16;