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location: Diff for "User's guide"
Differences between revisions 34 and 36 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 34 as of 2013-11-05 11:46:28
Size: 2366
Editor: 10
Revision 36 as of 2013-11-05 12:27:17
Size: 2356
Editor: 10
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 76: Line 76:
[[local]] - Localization of molecule orbital. [[localmo]] - Localization of molecule orbital.
Line 88: Line 88:
[[expandmo]] - Expand molecular orbital coefficient from small basis set to large basis set. [[expandmo]] - Expand molecular orbital from small basis set to large basis set.

BDF User's guide

Insert introduction of BDF module at here.

How to run BDF

To run BDF, you can write a shell script named "run.sh" with following content,

 # Set BDF home directory
 export BDFHOME=~/work/0.5.dev
 # Set BDF scratch  directory
 export BDF_TMPDIR=/scratch/bbs/$RANDOM

 if [ -e $BDF_TMPDIR ]; then
    echo "Temperory directory " $BDF_TMPDIR "exist! STOP!"
    mkdir $BDF_TMPDIR

 # run BDF driver with input file $1
 $BDFHOME/sbin/bdfdrv.py -r $1

 ls -l $BDF_TMPDIR
 rm -rf $BDF_TMPDIR

For example, you can copy the file named "$BDFHOME/Tests/input/test002.inp" to a work directory. Then, you write done the shell script and store it in you work directory. To evoke BDF calculation, you just use command

$./run.sh test001.inp

The output will be printed on standard output. Thus, it is better to redirect output to a file.

$./run.sh test001.inp > test001.out

Some tips to run BDF

 1. There are a lot of testing inputs saved in directory of $BDFHOME/Tests/input.
 2. BDF driver assume input file has the name *.inp. Thus, you can run BDF with command
    $./run.sh test001
 3. If BDF is compiled with OpenMP supporting, you can can set OpenMP environmental variables in running script. For example,
    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
    export OMP_STACKSIZE=1024M

BDF Flowchat


Input style

BDF modules


drt - Generate DRTs in GUGA.

grad - Gradient.

mcscf - Multi-configrational self-consistent-field program

mp2 - MP2 program

mrci - Multi-reference configuration interaction program.

localmo - Localization of molecule orbital.

scf - Self-consistent-field program



xuanyuan - 1e and 2e integrals program.

genfrag - Generate or optimize fragments and fragments pairs in Local orbital based Frag-MP2/CCSD.

expandmo - Expand molecular orbital from small basis set to large basis set.

User's guide (last edited 2022-10-12 07:51:38 by bsuo)