
<<TableOfContents: execution failed [list index out of range] (see also the log)>>

Multi-reference configuration interaction with single and double excitations (MRCI) program.

General keywords


Specifies the number of CI roots (states) to be simultaneously opti- mized. The default is 1. The value is read from the next line.


Threshold for printout of the wavefunction. All configurations with a coefficient greater than this threshold are printed. The default is 0.05. The value is read from the line following the keyword.


Energy convergence threshold. The result is converged when the energy of all roots has been lowered less than this threshold in the last iteration. The default is 1.0d-8. The value is read from the line following the keyword.


Maximum number of iterations. Default 20. The value is read from the line following the keyword. The maximum possible value is 200.


Request to calculate properties. Property integrals should be calculated by xuanyuan. Reduce density matrices will be calculated if CIpro is specified.

Expert keywords